Chatty Get Ready With Me | Back To School Edition

Chatty Get Ready With Me | Back To School Edition So... as much as it's fun to be super duper glamorous when you go out to the mall, work, and the mailbox, you really should reconsider. Save your ultra beautiful looks for times when you aren't on your grind to get that diploma. If you feel like you still need a little something something to give you some oomph through the day, this is super light and easy to apply in a rush. If you're an early riser and you got time for the 30min glam life, more power to you. I woke up with just enough time to shower and brush my teeth, so this would have been easier if I woke makeup in HS. This did work for me when I had a 9:30A class in college tho. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I N S T A G R A M : T W I T T E R : T U M B L R : P I N T E R E S T : F A C E B O O K :


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