#congrats #jeffreeStar. Just when you couldn’t sink any...

#congrats #jeffreeStar. Just when you couldn’t sink any lower. #Repost @c_wilcock (via @repostapp)
After such overwhelming support regarding my previous post, and allowing #jeffreestar to finally respond to the original allegations I am taking this opportunity to tell my story.

In 2006, Jeffree approached me by MySpace with regards to helping him design his new clothing/merchandise line. I was a student at the time studying a BA in Graphic Design in Plymouth, UK, and having someone with such a large following show an interest in my work was flattering to say the very least.

Over a course of a month or two we liaised, me sending him designs and ideas for his new range. However, things quickly went cold, i.e. Jeffree begun to ignore my emails.

Sometime later, he launched his clothing line, and to my horror saw that designs and concepts that I had created for him were within this range.
The attached image is of one of many designs supplied to Jeffree that year, but most important as it is the iconic eyelash curler, which quickly became his trademark image, appearing on most of his, at the time current, and future range. This image was created by myself in freehand within Illustrator, and as you can see is identical.

Furthermore concepts I had created were stolen or replicated throughout the designs. Fortunately, I used this opportunity to form part of my final major project. As such, correspondence between Jeffree and myself was supplied and retained in a physical format.

In addition, I have reached out to Jeffree and his management countless times via email and social media (which after I subsequently was blocked from shortly after doing so). I was not hungry for money, but simply the principal had shocked me and I had learnt a hard lesson (which remains with me to this day) when dealing with clients.
I understand that @bjbetts and Jeffree have resolved any difference they may have had. But I can’t help, given my personal experience, but question if this issues would have been so promptly resolved without @thekatvond’s input. #jeffreepaybj #paybj #jeffreepaycw #paycw http://ift.tt/2a4Ytp0

via Tumblr http://ift.tt/29Yn15z


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