Perception Collection | What's Good?

Perception Collection | What's Good? Edit: 9:09 PST Sooooooooo we're currently looking into WAY BETTER INTERNET OPTIONS BECAUSE THIS UPLOAD CRASHED AT 30%. Like, legit I'm postponing getting a new computer (between Big Bertha - desktop and She's So Skinny - Laptop) we can focus on our internet issue because this is officially infuriating. What's this? An early upload? The restock on this collection is going on NOW so if you see something you like, add to cart! Here's a link if you want to save $5 (and I get $5 to spend on the next Colourpop video so win win?): Opening calligraphy by @HappyLettersCo on Instagram End credits art by @AhriAri on Twitch Music: Days Like These by LAKEY INSPIRED Creative COmmons - Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Unported - CC BY-SA 3.0 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I N S T A G R A M : T W I T T E R : T U M B L R : P I N T E R E S T : F A C E B O O K :


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