[Blog] No More Instagram Spam

Sorry for the lack of ACTUAL CONTENT on this blog.

Hopefully, my instagram spam filled with swatches of my liquid lipstick was actually helpful rather than just annoying, but don't worry, I turned off the system doing that because I couldn't come look at my blog without shame at all that spam. So I apologize.

In other news, my friend is encouraging me to do videos rather than blog posts (which could either be quicker or longer depending on how much I have to say and how much I need to cut out in the end. Also my skin has gone to complete shit (zits for days) so I feel uncomfortable with my face. Apparently I also sound weird on video, so I'm basically psyching myself out of it.

I wanted to try do a segment called "Da Fuq Is...?" when I pick a product and basically introduce you to it as completely as I can. Of course I'd talk about:
  • Price
  • Availbility
  • Quality
  • Description versus Actual Use
  • Common Complaints and Solutions
I'm thinking about other things I could include, so hopefully I can figure it out. 

Thanks for hanging around, got tons to do here! See you soon!



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